In the beautiful Pertouli in the prefecture of Trikala you will find well-kept hotels and guesthouses for your accommodation. Pertouli is located in an idyllic location after the meadows of Pertouli where the ski center is located. Guests choose Pertouli and the surrounding area mainly for a relaxing two-three-day stay as its easy access makes it a good choice. In the village the options for accommodation in hotels, guesthouses and apartments are few since the village has visitors a few weekends but the number of visitors during the holiday season multiplies and the village is transformed. Organize your visit to Pertouli and combine it with accommodation, roadtrips to nearby villages, outdoor activities such as horse riding, hiking, skiing in winter at the ski resort and more.
See all hotels and guesthouses in Pertouli here and book now.
Also on the main road (and not only) you will find taverns to enjoy delicious food overlooking the green of the mountain and the village.